What cap rate? Navigating SF's real estate market

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Real Estate Expo

I spent this past weekend at the Real Estate Expo. Over 61,000 attended, which made getting into seminars difficult. The line for Millionaire Tax Secrets wraped down the hall, from South Hall to North Hall. I never could get into that seminar. People were waiting in line for over an hour.

Got a few good tips on negotiating contracts and investment strategies for my financially challenged clients. Sitting through some of these workshops was like watching an infomercial live on stage. I watched some cheesy presentations from salesman touting their self improvement or get quick rich packages to the masses. They should be paying me to watch this. The highlight was Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, both class acts. The expo will be back this summer for those of you who missed it.

Interest rates up
Fed hiked up interest rates another quarter point and signaled it may not be done yet. Bad for real estate? Of course it is, but one thing both Robert and the Donald said was some of their best deals were in bad markets. Trump said he picked up his property on Wall St for a million bucks during a bad market. Today it's worth much more than a million bucks. All markets are cyclical. Buy when there is blood in the streets...


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